Facial Recognition Project
This project is aimed at developing a air gapped facial recognition system using Python and other various libraries.
It can be found at: Github for Air Gapped Facial Recognition
A downloadable report for this project can be found here: Report
- Implementing a facial detection algorithm.
- Training a model to recognize faces.
- Integrating the trained model into a real-time application.
- Deploying the application to various platforms.
- Do all this while ensuring the log in module is secure by keeping it air gapped
Project Structure:
The project is organized as follows:
- src/: Contains the source code for the facial recognition system.
: Script for detecting faces in images or video streams.facial_recognition.py
: Script for training and recognizing faces.app.py
: Main application script for real-time face recognition.
- data/: Contains datasets for training the facial recognition model.
: Directory containing labeled face images for training.
- models/: Saved models after training.
- docs/: Documentation files.
- requirements.txt: Dependencies required to run the project.
- etcprof.sh: Login script modified to bypass the main Linux login screen and default to the Raspberry Pi.
Explanation of etcprof.sh snippet:
The provided snippet is a part of the etcprof.sh
script, and it performs the following
if [ "`id -u -n`" == "anvay" ]; then
ssh -tt tacwin@rpi4.local 2> /dev/null | grep -i "anvay" > /dev/null
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
now=`date +"%D %T"`
echo "login failed at $now" >> /var/attempt_log.log
exit 1
now=`date +"%D %T"`
echo "login successful at $now" >> /var/attempt_log.log
The if statement checks if the current user executing the script is “anvay”. It uses the id -u -n command to get the current username.
If the user is “anvay”, it proceeds with the subsequent commands.
Inside the if block, it attempts to SSH into the tacwin account on the host rpi4.local.
The 2> /dev/null redirects the standard error output to /dev/null to suppress any error messages.
The output of the SSH command is piped to grep -i “anvay” to search for occurrences of the username “anvay” in the SSH output.
The > /dev/null at the end of the pipeline redirects the output of grep to /dev/null to discard it.
The if [ “$?” -ne “0” ] condition checks if the exit status of the previous command (grep) is not equal to 0, indicating a failure.
If the SSH command fails to find “anvay” in the output, it logs a “login failed” message along with the timestamp to /var/attempt_log.log file.
If the SSH command is successful, it logs a “login successful” message along with the timestamp to the same log file.
The exit 1 statement terminates the script with an exit code of 1, indicating a failure.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/asbuch99/FacialRecogProj.git
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Train the model:
python src/facial_recognition.py --train
Run the real-time face recognition application:
python src/app.py